How to Grow your Notary Business on Facebook

How to Grow your Notary Business on Facebook

Considering the changes with COVID, the face of traditional networking has changed. Meetings, conferences, and many small business events were temporarily suspended as the fear of the pandemic set in. Never before, has the need for social media such as Facebook, been so critical to connect with current clients as well as attract new ones. Now the question is, how to grow your notary business on Facebook?

Facebook “Did You Know?” Stats
Source: Sprout Social

  • 73% of those living in an urban area use Facebook
  • 75% of those with some college education use Facebook
  • 74% of those making more than $75k use Facebook
  • Among active US Facebook users, 74% of people use the site every day.
  • Users 65 years and older are the fastest-growing group on Facebook

But where should you start in managing and promoting your Facebook business presence? What is the difference between a Facebook Business Page and your personal Facebook? We’re loading you up with information that is simple and not overwhelming (save the sense of complication for when a teenager tries to show you how to use TikTok ??)

Or resident notary expert Keesha Hughes did her homework and created these best practice tips on how to use Facebook for your business.

how to grow your notary business on Facebook

Facebook Profile Picture Tips

You see dozens every day. And every time you see someone’s profile picture, you form an impression of that person. In a split second, you decide if they are likeable, trustworthy, smart …or not. You judge them.

And everyone judges your profile picture in the same way. It’s simply the truth and there is no sense in anyone denying it.

Here’s how to put your best face forward:

Frame yourself
Make sure you are properly framed within the shot so people can see you and a bit of background. Your face should fill most of the image.

Use the same headshot on all your professional profiles
If someone sees you in one place and wants to connect in another, make it easy for them by using the same picture on all of your professional social media profiles.

Hire a professional photographer
The difference in quality between professional and amateur is huge.

Use a current photo
Refrain from uploading photos taken years ago. Someone should not be surprised when meeting you in person.

Avoid selfies
If booking a professional photographer is not on your “to-do” list, do have a friend or family member take a picture of you on the best camera you have access to. If you can’t get your hands on a high quality camera, try using portrait mode on your cell phone.

Use common sense
The best tip is to use common sense. When you look at your picture…would you hire you? Would you trust you? Stick to the basics and avoid provocative clothing, too much makeup, pets, family photos, etc.

Professional and Personal Profiles
If you have different profiles (professional and personal), keep in mind that someone who is considering hiring you, may also come across your personal profile. It’s important that your personal profile also represents you in a favorable way to potential clients.

Must-Have Apps

Document Scanning Apps
I n a hurry and you’re working with a few pages and need a quick substitute for a traditional scanner? It’s super easy to use your smartphone to scan documents.

On an iPhone, for example, you can start by creating a new note in the Notes app, and then open the camera to scan. Here’s how .

Would you prefer downloading an app? There are hundreds of apps available on the Android and Apple stores to choose from.

PDF Scanner
Sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day, get efficient with a PDF Scanner on your smartphone. You can open any pdf document and even potentially print it with the same ease of the computer.

This app is good for safety purposes, particularly if you are entering someone’s home. This app allows you to share your exact location on a map, as well as tracking your driving speed, route, phone battery level, and schedule of travel.

Because of the sensitive nature of this info, it is important to only include those who should truly know your whereabouts. However, this app allows you to have an extra level of safety and accountability in place for your signings.

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