Notary Services + What to Pack in your Notary Bag

What to Pack in Your Notary Bag

When you are first commissioned as a Notary and start your mobile notary business, you might start looking for information on Notary Public services to narrow down exactly what services you should be providing. Knowing what services you’ll be advertising helps when you’re building your website, when you’re scouting clients, and when you’re deciding what it is that you want to be most known for or stand out for.

Not only that, but you’ll want to know what supplies you’ll need to ensure you’re a success on the road. Forgetting important tools can delay a signing and might potentially lose you a client. So, let’s get you set up for success!

Let’s start with services. What does a Notary do? Here’s some information taken from This is a handy breakdown you can refer to or amend as needed when someone asks you this question. Which will likely happen a lot.

Holding a brown Notary Bag with blue background

What is the role of a Notary?

“The main duty of a notary is to help prevent fraud by witnessing the signing of documents and verifying their authenticity. But notaries don’t stop there. They also administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and statutory declarations, take acknowledgments of deeds and other conveyances, protest notes and bills of exchange, and provide notice of foreign drafts.”

Notary what to bring & what to pack in your notary bag

Okay, so now that we’re on the same page on what your day-to-day tasks could look like, let’s talk about what you need to pack in your Notary bag. After all, you want to make sure you have everything packed and ready to go. It can be easy to forget all of the supplies you might need on the road, and you don’t want to spend time and money re-purchasing things as you go. We’ve broken down the most common items to pack so you won’t miss a beat.

Notary Bag Check List

1. Your Notary journal (this isn’t required in every state but it’s good to have a record of all of your activities)

2. Your Notary stamp

3. Blue and black ink pens

4. Legal size envelopes

5. A legal pad or paper

6. A roll of tape, paperclips and a stapler

7. Magnifying glass or sheet magnifier (make sure you can read the fine print)

8. A good map (in case you don’t have cell phone service)

9. Calculator

10. A copy of your Notary commission, bond and insurance

11. A list of companies you’ve done work for in the past (great social proof for when you’re trying to sign a new client)

12. Your business cards (a potential client could be steps away)

13. Tylenol, Aspirin, or Ibuprofen (you never know!)

Utilize the trunk of your vehicle

A lot of these items can be left in your vehicle for easy access. A good tip is to create some space in your trunk and put your Notary bag in a clear bin. That way, it’s easy to access, won’t fall over and spill out everywhere, and you can take inventory as needed. Many mobile Notaries have a designated space in their cars so that they stay organized and ready for action. However you want to set up your space is up to you, but it’s a good idea to get that sorted when you start to kick off your business on the right foot.

Man in maroon long sleeve with black watch holding a beige Notary Bag

Being prepared is the first step to building a successful mobile Notary business. There will be things that come up unexpectedly but if you have most of your bases covered, you won’t have to scramble when something you’re not prepared for springs up.

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